Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

16 Mo Amabel

Alhamdulilah hirobilalamin, bersyukur banget amabelku hari ini udah sampe diusianya yang ke 16 Bulan, ga pernah sakit dan makin pintar. Jujur gw emang selalu ketinggalan untuk meng up date ato nyatet perkembangan-perkembangannya *toyor emak males*. kalo liat chart nya Milestone chart: 13 to 18 months sih 90% sudah dikuasai oleh amabel.

Child's Age

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Uses two words skillfully (e.g., "hi" and "bye")Bends over and picks up an object => “Dahhh”
Enjoys gazing at his reflection
Holds out arm or leg to
help you dress him
Combines words and gestures to make needs known
Rolls a ball back and forth
Eats with fingersEmpties containers of contentsImitates others => Jago bgt ini mah”
Toddles well
Initiates games
Points to one body part when asked
Responds to instructions (e.g., "give me a kiss") =>
“suka banget ciumin bundanya”
Uses a spoon or fork
Matches lids with appropriate containers
Pushes and pulls toys while walking =>
Plays with ball
Uses three
words “dah+guk2+yah” regularlyWalks backward
Scribbles with a crayon
"no" (“ndak”) as his favorite word
"Helps" around the house
Puts his fingers to his mouth and says
Turns the pages of a book
Has temper tantrums when frustrated

Becomes attached to a soft toy or other object
Discovers the joy of climbing
Stacks three blocks
Uses spoon or fork
Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone)
Uses six words regularly
pretend games
Likes riding toys
Feeds doll
Speaks more clearly
Throws a ball underhand
Dances to music
Sorts toys by color, shape, or size
Kicks ball forward
Will "read" board books on his own
Scribbles well
Strings two words together in phrases
Brushes teeth with help
Stacks four blocks
Throws a ball overhand
Takes toys apart and puts them back together
Shows signs of toilet training readiness
note : yang warna merah yang sudah di kuasai oleh amabel

Minggu kemarin kita ke Dr endah di KMC buat imunisasi vacirella 2 dan MMR 9 (udah di confirm sm dr endah this is fine). Untuk pertama kalinya kita ke dokter cuma ber3 ayah+bunda+abel biasanya rombongan topeng monyet ikut. eh disana abel pintar banget, naek timbangan anteng diukur tingginya pun anteng, per 15mo3week bb abel diangka 10,4 dan tinggi 79cm yeay akhirnya tingginya sudah ada di chart diatas rata2 kalo bb sih selalu di atas rata2 J *turunan*. Pas nunggu di kmc abel ga brenti godain temen2nya, kasian anak gw ga punya temen, jd note buat gw dan ayahnya buat cari kegiatan yang melibatkan banyak anak2 sepantaran abel, trus minta naek prosotan mulu *encok*. sempet ngaret 1jam-an dipanggilnya kita dpt jadwal jam 4 dan kita udah dtg dr jam 1/2 4, gw ga ngerti sm sistem di kmc saat ini, kita yg ontime malah hrs nunggu dan org2 yang telat msh bs masuk, pdhal seharusnya ky di Dr Wal puri cinere kalo pas dipanggil 2x  ga ada ya yu dadah bye2 ato di skip ke nomor belakang *sabar2*, untung aja abelnya ga rewel kl iye bs gw komplen abis2an. Pas masuk ruang dokter abel ga nangis dunk *plokplokplok* sampe diperiksa di tempat periksa pun ga nangis, kalo di suntik ya nangis J. Ga banyak yang di konsultansi kan sm Dr endah karena emang ga banyak keluhan ato problema *tsahhh* paling hanya konsul bagaimana biar abel cepet bicaranya *be carefull what ur wish na*, ya kata Dr endah tipsnya agar kita sering2 bicara dengan amabel pelan2 *now i know why* hihihihi, trus kita pulang deh buru2 karena mau ngejar buka di rumah, pdhal KMC nyediain tajil yang menggiurkan :p. Terima kasih ya ALLAH atas kesehatan yang kau berikan kepada kami semua, dan untuk amabel 4 jempol untukmu nak.

si anak gempal nunggui bundanya di fitting room

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