Sesuatu yg gw takutin kl abis liburan/jalan2 ato ada acara besar bareng abel adalah sakit :(. Entah karena kecapean ato terlalu senang, abis liburan kemarin abel demam. Abel termasuk anak yang jarang sakit. Alhamdulilah sepanjang hidupnya bs diitung pake jari parasetamol yang diminumnya dan ga pernah samsek mnm antibiotik. Karena udah tau kl demam bukanlah suatu penyakit melainkan merupakan alarm bahwa telah terjadi sesuatu di dalam tubuh makanya gw ga minumin parasetamol ke abel, wong di ukur max 37 derajat doank. Demam dr senin mlm sd rabu. Pas gw dines ke banjarmasin kamis, dpt laporan dr rmh ternyata abel batpil. Ok terjawab sudah demamnya kmarin. Obat terbaik so far kurangin ac, mnm banyak, oles transpulmin + terakhir cb di uapin. Alhamdulilah berjalan lancar sampe sabtu mlm, kebetulan gw ada acara malaysia gala dinner di ritz carlton jd terpaksa abel di tinggal sm mbanya. Pas gw pulang di laporin udah 2 x abel muntah. Kala itu gw msh + thinking bahwa ini reaksi ngeluarin slem2 di paru2nya. Pas gw tidirun lg abel muntah lg, gw ksh mnm biar ga dehidrasi ga berapa lama muntah lagi. Terhitung sampe jam 4 pagi udah 9 x muntah dan anaknya lemes pula. Pas gw lagi beresin muntahnya bs2nya dia tdr dipojokan kasur sambil duduk saking lemesnya #mewek#. Oh ya amabel berhenti muntah setelah gw puasain 2 jam-an (yg akhirnya nyebabin dia dehidrasi paginya) Gw tiba2 yakin kl ini HMFD krn di telapak tangan dan kaki ada bercak2 merah, tanda2 pun hampir sama panas ga tinggi, muntah, batpil dan bercak2 itu. Sms dokter disuruh observasi krn kl emang bener si HMFD ya ga ada obatnya akan hilang sendiri yg plg penting jaga supaya tdk dehidrasi. Hari minggu berjalan lancar tanpa muntah2 lg walau mogok makan.hari senin pagi pas mau brangkat kerja muntah lagi loh walau ga banyak, trs siang nya jg dan laporan dr mbanya amabel lemes ga mau makan, ayahnya langsung deh panik, langsung gw bkn janji ke dokter dr. Endah full dan dr margaretha per kedatangan. Gw cabs dr kantor, pulang ke rumah baru k kmc. Alhamdulilah jalanan lancar tp antrian dokternya bkn pingsan. Gw dtg jam 6.30 msh 11 antrian aja loh.. Untung abel ga rewel cm ga mau sepatu dan naek prosotan 100x (ga lemes kl gn). Akhirnya masuk k ruangan dokter jam 9.30 hoshhh.. Untung dr etha nya antusias ketemu kita, jd kita semangat lg pdhal pas nunggu moodnya udah drop banget. Amabel spt biasa (-̩̩-̩̩_-̩̩-̩̩) histeris pas diperiksa dokter, diperiksa scr menyeluruh dan akhirnya diagnosa dr etha bilang ini bkn HFMD , yeahhhh tp abel terkena rotavirus aka muntaber, halah makan apaan sih nak?!..
sekilas tentang Rotavirus yang gw dapet dari web
" Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhoea among infants and young children.[1] It is a genus of double-stranded RNA virus in the family Reoviridae. By the age of five, nearly every child in the world has been infected with rotavirus at least once.[2] However, with each infection, immunity develops, and subsequent infections are less severe; adults are rarely affected.[3] There are five species of this virus, referred to as A, B, C, D, and E.[4] Rotavirus A, the most common, causes more than 90% of infections in humans.
The virus is transmitted by the faecal-oral route. It infects and damages the cells that line the small intestine and causes gastroenteritis (which is often called "stomach flu" despite having no relation to influenza). Although rotavirus was discovered in 1973[5] and accounts for up to 50% of hospitalisations for severe diarrhoea in infants and children,[6] its importance is still not widely known within the public health community, particularly in developing countries.[7] In addition to its impact on human health, rotavirus also infects animals, and is a pathogen of livestock.[8]
Rotavirus is usually an easily managed disease of childhood, but worldwide more than 450,000 children under five years of age still die from rotavirus infection each year,[9] most of whom live in developing countries,[10] and almost two million more become severely ill.[7] In the United States, before initiation of the rotavirus vaccination programme, rotavirus caused about 2.7 million cases of severe gastroenteritis in children, almost 60,000 hospitalisations, and around 37 deaths each year.[11] Public health campaigns to combat rotavirus focus on providing oral rehydration therapy for infected children and vaccination to prevent the disease.[12] The incidence and severity of rotavirus infections has declined significantly in countries that have added rotavirus vaccine to their routine childhood immunisation policies.[1"
sm dr Etha, Ga dikasih obat, disuruh makan spt biasa cm dikasih zinckid buat 10 hari kedepan yg fungsinya untuk memperbaiki usus. Alhamdulilah amabel ga kena HFMD dan bersyukur gw ga panik jd ga buru2 ksh obat apapun ke abel. Sesi ktm dokter kemarin malah sesi tanya jwb ayah ke dokter etha, sampe2 dokter etha ngitungin max tinggi abel nantinya, hihihi maap ya dok dikerjain. Well bersyukur kejadian ini bisa dilalui dgn baik, skrg sih anaknya baik2 aja tp entah knp skrg dikit2 pgn nya muntah, halahhhh.. Sehat2 trus ya nak.. :))) Sent from my WaterBerry®
sekilas tentang Rotavirus yang gw dapet dari web
" Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhoea among infants and young children.[1] It is a genus of double-stranded RNA virus in the family Reoviridae. By the age of five, nearly every child in the world has been infected with rotavirus at least once.[2] However, with each infection, immunity develops, and subsequent infections are less severe; adults are rarely affected.[3] There are five species of this virus, referred to as A, B, C, D, and E.[4] Rotavirus A, the most common, causes more than 90% of infections in humans.
The virus is transmitted by the faecal-oral route. It infects and damages the cells that line the small intestine and causes gastroenteritis (which is often called "stomach flu" despite having no relation to influenza). Although rotavirus was discovered in 1973[5] and accounts for up to 50% of hospitalisations for severe diarrhoea in infants and children,[6] its importance is still not widely known within the public health community, particularly in developing countries.[7] In addition to its impact on human health, rotavirus also infects animals, and is a pathogen of livestock.[8]
Rotavirus is usually an easily managed disease of childhood, but worldwide more than 450,000 children under five years of age still die from rotavirus infection each year,[9] most of whom live in developing countries,[10] and almost two million more become severely ill.[7] In the United States, before initiation of the rotavirus vaccination programme, rotavirus caused about 2.7 million cases of severe gastroenteritis in children, almost 60,000 hospitalisations, and around 37 deaths each year.[11] Public health campaigns to combat rotavirus focus on providing oral rehydration therapy for infected children and vaccination to prevent the disease.[12] The incidence and severity of rotavirus infections has declined significantly in countries that have added rotavirus vaccine to their routine childhood immunisation policies.[1"
sm dr Etha, Ga dikasih obat, disuruh makan spt biasa cm dikasih zinckid buat 10 hari kedepan yg fungsinya untuk memperbaiki usus. Alhamdulilah amabel ga kena HFMD dan bersyukur gw ga panik jd ga buru2 ksh obat apapun ke abel. Sesi ktm dokter kemarin malah sesi tanya jwb ayah ke dokter etha, sampe2 dokter etha ngitungin max tinggi abel nantinya, hihihi maap ya dok dikerjain. Well bersyukur kejadian ini bisa dilalui dgn baik, skrg sih anaknya baik2 aja tp entah knp skrg dikit2 pgn nya muntah, halahhhh.. Sehat2 trus ya nak.. :))) Sent from my WaterBerry®